What is Plasma Shower?

Plasma Shower is an Award Winning daily use facial beauty therapy device from South Korea.

How does a Plasma Shower Work?

Through Poration and Atmospheric Plasma.

Plasma Poration Handpiece removes the bacteria and helps absorb essential drug to the skin tissue. A strong low-temperature atmospheric plasma on the surface of the skin sterilizes the skin and the ionized radicals stimulates the skin treatment process such as skin regeneration, anti-bacteria, TDDS (Transdermal Drug Delivery System), skin lightening and collagen generation.

Plasma Shower is ionised atmospheric plasma therapy, where patented ceramic heads can be used to stimulate facial muscles and acupuncture meridians. In this case, you need to massage after setting the elasticity mode or absorption mode to see a bigger effect in boosting, lifting and calming of your skin.

What it does?

  • Forehead massage: It prevents the skin from sagging.
  • Middle of forehead: It prevents formation of wrinkles.
  • Cheek’s massage: Prevents sagging and nasolabial folds are tightened.
  • Mouth massage: Prevents drooping of oral angle.
  • Jaw massage: Stimulates the muscles around the jawbone, creating a firmer chin line.
  • Overall rejuvenation of skin.
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